Me (Bianca): How now lady?
Cobweb (Portia): I am well, though I am at a loss at what to do.
Me: Thou art?
Cobweb: Ay.
Me: I share thy feeling.
Cobweb: Thou dost?
Me: Ay.
Cobweb: What is thy name?
Me: Bianca? What is thy title?
Cobweb: Portia.
Me A fair name.
Cobweb: Indeed! By my troth, I know thy face!
Me: Thou dost?
Cobweb: Art thou the silent sprite known as Peppercorn?
Me: If I was silent wouldst I be conversing with thee?
Cobweb: Thou art a witty sprite! By my troth, thou art Peppercorn! I know thy face!
Me: Thou speakest right. I am she.
Cobweb: Then Thou canst call me Cobweb. I am thy fellow servant.
Me: 'Tis a joy to see thee, Cobweb!
Cobweb: 'Tis a joy to see thee my fellow!
Me: Speak low, for some draw near to hear our conferance.
Cobweb: 'Tis true. Where is thy lodging?
Me: I lodge with Antonio, brother to Leanato.
Cobweb: Thou hast found thyself a noble lodging! I but dwell in the Phoniex.
Me: 'Tis a fair place. I will come see thee.
Cobweb: I will expect thee.
Me: Fair thee well, gentle Cobweb.
Cobweb: Fair thee well, witty Peppercorn.